Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The festival of Gathemangal is another colourful tradition of Nepal and the Annapurna circuit region. According to Nepalese myth, a terrible demon called Ghantakarna terrorised Nepal by stealing away women and children; this festival celebrates the exorcism of Ghantakarna. The demon was said to look truly terrifying with bells in its ears and its body painted in blue, red and black. The legend goes that the farmers were so scared to go outside that their crops suffered and they became very unhappy. Then frogs magically appeared where the demon was staying and began croaking. This croaking made the demon worried, so he tried to chase and capture the frogs, but they were too clever. They made him follow them to the swamp where they jumped into the water and watched as he followed them. Unfortunately for the demon he began to flounder into the mud and sank to his death.
This festival is celebrated in the month of Shrawan and is a re-enactment of the legend. Very much like Guy Fawkes Night in England, children go around the village collecting money to create an effigy of the demon, they then run around throwing paint at it. This is a wonderfully interactive and joyous festival, and around the Annapurna circuit region in the month of Shrawan there is a festive atmosphere throughout the many small local towns which celebrate Gathemengal

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